Tuesday, December 27, 2011

That was .....interesting?!

Today's run was a little strange.  I started off with a 4 mile goal in mind.... I took my inhaler BEFORE I ran today, instead of after I started wheezing like normal....PS this was a good idea!  I ran my 1st mile in 9:24....HOLY FAST (for me at least....) The second mile didn't feel quite as good but it was ok.  Just a little bit into mile 2 I started dry heeving....NO CLUE why....and continued to dry heeve for a good 5 minutes.  Then I felt good for a while, pace was good, breathing was good, until I FACE PLANTED on the access road to the highway outside our neighborhood....in 5 O'clock traffic.  AWESOME!  No one driving by stopped or even slowed down, but I got right back up and kept running like it didn't happen....FAIL!!

Then I felt good again....until the dry heeving started AGAIN....then I felt good again, until a cat jumped out from behind a trashcan and scared the bajeezus out of me..... and then I finished my 4.19 miles strong.

 My average pace was 10:05.  Never seen those numbers before!  And my 5K time was 31:08...never seen that before either!!!

Then I got a phone call as I was walking back into the neighborhood....the chilli I started for dinner before I left, with my husband sitting in the kitchen "watching" while it simmered....or so I thought....BURNT TO A CRISP!  FAIL #2!!

So dinner #2 is in the oven..... and my knees look like this.....

But I got in a good strong (for the most part) 4 miles!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas BABIES!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!

No babies for me....but there's lots of baby news in our family these days!!  My BIL and his girlfriend welcomed this precious little chubby face into the world in October!

My OTHER BIL just found out they are giving us ANOTHER NIECE in May!!!

AND I got a great Christmas surprise today!!  My Bestie is having Baby Bestie #2 in August!!!!!

LOVIN some babies around here!!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT day today!!!!!  Don't feel TOO guilty for all those treats....it is Christmas after all!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Today was better.....

So I got to sleep late Friday morning....after all some last minute Christmas shopping was necessary when I got off work.  Then I decided it would be a good idea to wake up an hour earlier than usual to get a decent run in and get some presents wrapped.....Guess what?  I actually got a GOOD run in!!  Yay for me!

The Hubs took Knox to the dog park so I could run around the park....SOOOO much better than running in the neighborhood.  Getting up a little earlier made it easier to run there....  It was pretty chilly when I started (45* - hey now I live in Texas, this is cold to me!!) So I wore my New Balance running tights and my purple Nike thermo running top that I LOVE!!  I warmed up pretty quickly but never got hot!

I got in 3.09 miles in like 32:50. That's fast for me....remember I'm SLOW!!  AND on top of it all I have been fighting off a cold or some gnarly allergies or something for the last week.  My lungs were on FIRE, of course my inhaler was at home (as usual) and I had SNOT all over my face....sorry I didn't take a picture for your viewing pleasure!!  This makes me think I could have finished faster if I didn't feel like crap!

Oh and The Hubs left my Christmas present on the kitchen table this morning....it's in a pretty big Brighton bag....hmmmm wonder what it is?!

Friday, December 23, 2011

I disappeared again

Gah I suck I'm sorry!!

Life has been a little hectic busy lately!!  The Hubs birthday was a few weeks ago....followed by The Hubs attempting to run in cowboy  boots and breaking his ankle....Yup he's a smartie!

Last weekend we made the trip up to Oklahoma.  My baby sister graduated from OSU!!!!!  Another hectic weekend.   I worked Thursday night, only slept until 11am Friday morning, then packed and started our trip.  I attempted to nap in the car but The Hubs wasn't letting that happen.  We finally made it to Stillwater, headed to dinner with my sister and her boyfriend, then out for the night.  GOD I'M OLD.  At least that's how being tired by 10pm in a college town bar made me feel!!  Saturday consisted of a 2 mile run (I'm proud of myself for that one.....) then graduation!!!

We drove to Tulsa Saturday afternoon to hang out with the fam and get ready for my sister's party on Sunday.  There was a little more hectic-ness (YES that is a word....) when my Grandma decided to pass out at the kitchen table, I had to play nurse for a bit, then we ended up in the back of an ambulance on our way to the ER!  Don't worry, she's ok!!! 

My poor baby sister was a wreck after all that....but we convinced her to go on to her party with her friends, and I met her out later.  Saturday night was good.....Good night with my sis and best friends!!!  So good some how we managed to stay out until 5am....followed by pizza #2 for the day....then I got up at 7:30 on Sunday.  THAT WAS FUN....NOT!!!!

Sunday afternoon we had my sister's family graduation party....where I showcased these babies!!!

My running has been slacking since Saturday...I was doing SO GOOD on my Hal Higdon plan, then fell off the wagon again with being out of town and crazy busy.  Now I'm working 4 in a row, and all of Christmas....BOOOO!!!  I woke up yesterday feeling less than stellar, ran 0.8 miles, then decided to just go to the gym with The Hubs.  My biceps are KILLING me....so that counts right?  I know biceps are not conducive to running but I want to keep a balance of running and strength training.  Oh well at least I got off the couch before work today.

All our Christmas presents are wrapped and shipped....except for The Hubs.  I have to buy his presents last minute or he ends up getting them early!!  I plan on getting his on my way home from work tomorrow!

Are ya'll done with your shopping yet? 

Hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I promise to show my face more!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The start of a new relationship....I hope I like him!

This new relationship is between me and Hal Higdon….
I started his ½ plan on Monday….well I counted Sunday as my “long run” for the week. (Good thing it was 3x longer than the plan calls for….)
Monday consisted of my stretch and strengthen day….aka stretch out on the couch and strengthen 1 6oz glass of wine at a time : ) Hey I did get up to go to the grocery store with The Hubs, that counts right? I lifted all the groceries onto the counter to put them away…..
Tuesday I made another attempt at a treadmill run because it was FREEZING outside, and windy, which makes cold 100x worse! I only made it a mile before I was a sweaty hot mess and bored out of my mind. So I finished up outside…running 0.6mile circles around the gym…WHOO FUN! ……. NOT!! I had a few super quick walk breaks because my legs were still tired from Sunday.
Yesterday was supposed to be 3 miles, but I bought The Hubs an XBOX for his birthday, gave it to him 3 days early today, and he was setting it up as I was supposed to be running. I chose to shop and sleep earlier in the day so I put my run off until the last minute before work. Needless to say I was NOT feeling it. So my 3 miles turned into “Oh I’ll just do my 2 mile day today and my 3 tomorrow” which turned into 1.6 miles because I ran by my house and it looked more fun. Oops….Oh well! Scratch that crappy day off my list!
My goal for my next ½ is to run the whole thing….no walk breaks. A friend at work told me the way she achieved this was just making the decision to tell herself no walk breaks on her training runs. She ran her first ½ on Sunday, and ran the whole thing. I think I like this idea….No walk breaks here I come. Sorry that you will be “forced” to read my bitching about the next few runs….I’ll get over it….if I don’t die first….

PS- if you don't want to see your husband for 3+ months, buy a 2 story house with a "Man-Cave" UPSTAIRS, then buy him an XBOX and 3 games for his birthday.  Guaranteed to have him out of your hair...whether you want him to be or not.  Oops again.....

Dallas White Rock 1/2 - a PR!!

So I survived the ROCK….with a PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I know I only have one previous ½ time, BUT I got this PR with less training and smarter running. Well it’s not as great as that sounds….definitely not RLRF style. More like run less because I registered for the race last minute-ish because I promised some friends I would run even though I was NO WHERE CLOSE to ready….then run in intervals. Yup that’s how I got a 12 minute PR.

When I trained for my first ½ in OKC last May, I didn’t follow a training plan but my weekly mileage and longest run were higher. My longest run before OKC was 8-9miles, this one was 5. Oops. The difference was in OKC I ran until I felt like I needed a walk break (6 miles, stopped to pee, ran 2 more then walked a little) and my legs were DONE before I ever hit 10 miles. This go-round Betsy and I agreed to run intervals the ENTIRE run, no matter what. We ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 miles repeat repeat repeat a few more times! Apparently this worked for me! My legs were definitely spent by the end, but much better than OKC. The weather was THE EXACT SAME….cold and freakin rainy. It appears as though this is my new ½ trend. Only this time I was more prepared with my ridiculous layers of clothing, scarf, gloves, and my handy dandy TRASH BAG! I kept that baby on until mile 10, and only took it off because I wanted finish line pictures!!

                                       Please be jealous of our outfits......PS this was Betsy's first half!!

We kept between a 10-11 min/mile pace most of our run parts. Our walk pace was 16min/mile. We did a really good job of keeping our snails pace the entire race. I took 4 GUs throughout the race. I know that kind of sounds like a lot, but my body isn’t used to the distance so I needed the extra fuel.

The course was GORGEOUS!! We ran through some of my favorite parts of Dallas….Downtown, Uptown, Highland Park! It was nice and flat too! I will run this again for sure!! I just wish it wasn’t so freakin wet! My shoes were SOAKED by mile 3….stupid rain! It didn’t rain all summer and we were in a damn drought (sp?) then I decide to run a ½ and it pours down rain for 3 straight days! BOO Mother Nature!
We crossed the finish line in 2:42!! I know it’s not great, but I ran smarter and beat my previous time….

Afterwards we got our medals, snacks, pictures, and BEER (the most important part…) then waited for my friend’s husband to finish the Full. I got a TON of stretching in since we were sitting around, freezing our butts off! Oh I also noticed this when we got inside……

Hello BLOODY heels....Aparently I need better socks or some new shoes.....

Glad I didn’t notice until AFTER I finished! Yup, still hurts!!

I was a little sore for a day or two afterwards, but I’m feeling pretty good now! My hip flexors are still bothering me some….but nothing some serious stretching can’t fix!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Suck...AND I'm old!

Well my birthday is over now....and it was a good one!!  But man I felt OLD after going out last night...and let's just say : BIRTHDAY SHOTS : 1   JESSICA : 0
I got this fancy new watch and a tripod for my new camera from The Hubs!!

He's so good to me!!

I also got this AMAZING wine glass from my bestest Lavonne....

                                 The shadow made my face look weird....and FYI, it holds 3 bottle of wine!!
So I suck big time...I have not ran at all this week.  And somehow I think I'm going to finish a Half on Sunday?! Ha this should be interesting! Not to mention it's going to be in the 30s and drizzly raining the whole time.  BOOOO!!!!  Oh well my only real goal with this race is to cross the finish line.  The CowTown half in February is my new goal race, where I will be setting some BIG goals. 

I also have been sucking at my "diet" Thanksgiving started a downhill slope for me and this eating right thing.  I had stuffing and pie on Thanksgiving...then proceeded to eat pie for 3 days after, I had pasta from PF Changs for lunch on my birthday, sushi for dinner, a hot dog with a bun, marshmallows, and graham crackers while camping Tuesday night.  OOPS!....and a whole bunch of ginger ale to nurse my hangover today : ) OOPS again. 

I am officially declaring today, December 3rd, to be "start over" day for my diet.  I can tell a huge difference when I'm eating this way and when I'm not.  I'm not motivated now, I'm more tired, The Hubs has had bloog sugar issues again because he's been cheating with me.  Interesting isn't it?  I will probably have some "good" carbs for dinner tonight and a bagel or something in the morning since I'm doing this Half...and I told myself from the get go that high mileage days I would allow myself a little more carbs since I'd be using them immediately for fuel.  GOTTA GET BACK ON TRACK!!!  Tall Mom HERE is having the same problem, but has the same plan to get back on track!  Go check out her post!

I am starting Hal Higdon's Half training plan on Monday.  12 weeks from Sunday is the Cowtown... serious training here I come!  Wish Me Luck!

BIC Band review

Skinny Runner HERE convinced me to buy a few BIC (Because I Can) Bands HERE because she posts about them frequently.  So I ordered a skinnie minnie in sparkly purple and sparkly orange, and a thin or skinnie (I can't remember which) in sparkly silver.  My original plan was to give the orange and silver ones to girlfriends as Christmas gifts....BUT I might just keep them for myself!  (I guess I could order another round....hehe)

So today is Bedlam, which is Oklahoma State University *OSU* (my "alma mater") vs. University of Oklahoma *OU*

OSUs colors are orange and black....so to be in the spirit of football i wore my orange scrub pants with a black undershit and white t-shirt to work last night.  I also decided to try out my orange sparkly BIC band.... I have pretty short hair (as in chin length when it's "long") and I have serious issues, especially at work, keeping my hair out of my face.  So last night I teased  the top of my hair, pulled it back in a pony tail  (or little nub really) and slid the BIC band on. I did not have to adjust or take it off and put it back on a SINGLE time!  This is really impressive to me because these types of headbands NEVER stay on my head! It didn't give me a headache, and it is SUPER cute! 
               Please don't judge how awesome I look right now...I took this at 3am in the bathroom at work!                                                          HOLY bags under my eyes!
Another bonus of BIC bands is some of the profit from the bands goes to charity!!  They choose a different charity every month, and if you "Like" them on facebook they keep you updated on how much money and who they donated it to!  They also post promotion codes!  I can't wait to wear my purple one in my Half on Sunday!!...guess I need to go shopping to coordinate my running clothes with my headbands!!