Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm baaaaaack!!!....hopefully for good this time!

I suck at this whole "blogging" thing....but I'm going to do better, I promise.

We went to Galveston for our 1 year anniversary trip last week!  Holy crap we've already been married for a whole YEAR!  On the way home I had an epiphany, after looking at a picture my husband took up close of my ass....then wanting to throw up!  I decided it was time to SERIOUSLY make some changes to my life.  Time to start eating right, for real, to get serious about working out, and to focus on my running. 

So I had Wendys and a Dr. Pepper for dinner in the last Dr. Pepper, then at midnight my lifestyle "transformation" started!

Sunday we went to the gym.  Me and The Hubs lifted, and focused on back and shoulders.  KILLER workout, as in I'm still sore and it's Friday morning!  I weighed myself after my workout, and wanted to cry.  I know it's not about the number, but it's SO hard for me not to focus on that.  I weighed 137lbs.  The most I've EVER weighed in my life.  I'm 5'4", and I know this isn't a crazy out of control weight, but it's not where I want to be.  Enough about my obsession with the numbers....

Monday I woke up and went to my very first spin class!!  LOVED.IT. Totally.Addicted! 

Tuesday The Hubs and I went to the gym and lifted biceps this time....again still sore!  I ran when we got home from the clue how far because I confused my Garmin and it never found me!  It was kind of nice to just run, probably only 2 miles or so, but just me, the dark, a cool breeze, and a run.  It.Felt.GOOD!

Wednesday we went for a 15 mile bike ride on our anniversary presents to each other....Hybrid bikes!  I got a TREK, it's their fitness Hybrid, and I LOVE it!  After dinner we swam 250m in the pool at the gym.  This was my first swim for fitness kicked my butt way more than I expected!  The Hubs and I have hopes of slowly training for a Sprint Tri!!  We are doing awesome at increasing our bike mileage, we just need to keep focusing on the swim and run! 

I worked for a few hours on Wednesday night, so I slept most of the day Thursday.  I did get up and go to the gym before coming back to work.  I did legs and abs.  We'll see if I can walk by the time I wake up today!! 

That's 5...YUP 5 days in a row I worked out.  Pretty sure I've never done that....Ever.  I'm trying really hard to be healthier all around.  I havn't had a Dr. Pepper since Friday, I'm drinking tons and tons of water and NUUN, I bought this Optimum Nutrition Amino Acid drink from Vitamin Shoppe that the guy recommended to aid with muscle recovery, endurance, and energy.  It's got green tea in it, and most of the ingredients were all natural. I am loving how much of a difference it makes when I drink it.  The Hubs even said tonight he felt like he could have stayed at the gym all night!  I started taking Glucosamine as well,  I'm trying to do all I can to stay healthy.
 I had pizza on Monday night (Ooops, that's what a few to many beers will do to ya!) but other than that, we've been eating much healthier. 

So my goals are to continue my workout binge, eating healthier, and blogging!!

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