Friday, November 11, 2011

Goals Update

Towards the beginning of October I made a list of goals for myself....I actually forgot about the post HERE until just now when I was reading Christina's goals!  I decided to re-read my October goals, and SUPRISE SUPRISE...I'm right on track!!!

-No more Dr. Pepper : I'm doing WAY better than I thought I would with this one!!!  I tried a Dr. Pepper 10 the other day (their new "diet" with lots of flavor...and I actually didn't even drink half of it.) I can't remember the last time I had a "real" Dr. Pepper!!!....This REALLY makes me want a Dr. Pepper.....

-Start running more : Doing good with this one too!!  I have finally started to increase my mileage, run a lot more frequently, and the quality of my runs is improving.  The Hubs has been running with me, and he's such an awesome motivation!

-Life/Crosstrain more : I'm doing good in the lifting and The Hubs life together a lot, probably 4-5 days a week!  I was doing awesome in the crosstrain department, that is until The Hubs bike got a flat tire and we havn't gotten it fixed yet!  So I need to work on that part....

-Eat Healthier : I am rocking this goal!  Since we started eating Primal (read all about it HERE) I feel healthier, and LOOK BETTER!  We are eating "cleaner" and much healthier....TONS of fruits and veggies!!  Hopefully we can keep this part up!

I'm really proud of myself for actually sticking to almost all of my goals....Now if I could just transfer that into my 'big girl" life and keep my house clean and the laundry caught up.....

1 comment:

5 Miles Past Empty said...

Hey thanks for the encouragement on my blog this AM. I am ready for life to get back to normal. =/

Great job with your goals!! I'll have to read about eating primal. I've been experimenting with a few different diet/lifestyle changes, the biggest being to cut out processed foods and sugar, which is TOUGH. The other is drastically cutting my meat intake, which is also TOUGH. I try to have two days a week with one meal including meat. Whole veggies and black beans have become my bestest friends. =) Like you I feel so much better when I cut all the crap. Imagine that!!!

Now get that bike tire fixed so you guys can ride again!!! =)