Yesterday The Hubs and I took Knox (our pitbull mix) for a run around the park. It was one of those, run, walk, jog, sprint, walk and run some more kind of runs. We really just played for an hour! It was kind of awesome!! It's finally starting to look a little like fall in Texas, and was GORGEOUS outside!! This is our version of fall.....
Yup, that's ONE yellow-ish colored tree....
At least they're not all brown like they were all summer!
Anyways on our way back to the car we saw a BOBCAT!! At first I thought it was a dog and couldn't fingure out why I didn't see it's owner, then it registered that it was a giant freaking CAT! Luckily The Hubs had ahold of Knox's leash because I'm pretty sure it could have eaten him! I was a little too much in shock to think to take a picture! It was gorgeous, but I won't be running in that park alone again that's for sure!!
Knox doesn't pose for pictures very well....he chased a few too many squirrels and was a little on the tired side!
So I know I talk about needing motivation on here all the time.....but I've got to find some for real, and SOON. I'm supposed to be running the Dallas White Rock 1/2 Marathon on Dec. 4th. Problem is...and it's a BIG problem...I havn't ran more than 3 miles in a long time. So I need some advice....should I push myself over the next few weeks and see if I can get my mileage up? Or just say forget it, and run the next one? 2 of my friends are already registered to run this one..... And the highest mileage run I completed before my first half was a little over 8 miles. What do you think?
Also...anyone have a link to a pushup challenge? I still suck at those!
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