Sunday, February 12, 2012

My new Inspiration = a KILLER butt workout!

My addiction to Pinterest has recently been rekindled....and now I have NO CLUE why I ever lost my obsession....

Anyways while playing on Pinterest during some much needed "Girl Time" the other night we stumbled upon this picture....

My new fitness goal is to have this ass....ask my friends, I've been showing all of them!  The great thing about Pinterest is it shows you the results, and all you have to do is click on the picture to get the workout that is attached!! 

This workout is a few workouts with a stability ball.  The key to these not-so-easy workouts is BALANCE!!  It's so easy to find a workout, and do it, without putting the full effort into it.  This workout REQUIRES you to squeeze your ass muscles (aka your glutes) as well as your abs to maintain the balance to complete the workout!  So here's the workout link!!

Great Glutes in 20 Minutes!

Let me know what you think!!!


Christina @ The Athletarian said...

That's a pretty nice behind if I do say so myself! I'm going to look into that workout! Pinterest is the best source of motivation!! Love it :)

Anonymous said...

thats one nice tush! good luck with your balance, im terrible with balance balls

and I LOVE the new header!!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I love that pic too! ;) I'll take glutes like that any day! Balance is SO KEY!