Friday, January 6, 2012

Another training plan

After talking to The Hubs I decided I wanted to take a second look at my training plan.  I read Run Less Run Faster a few months ago, really liked the idea of their plan, then totally forgot about it for some reason.  So last night I decided to take another look at it....

I sat down with the book, a notepad and pencil, and the February issue of Runners World.... And my official training plan was born....the very first one I've done all on my own!!  I took the speed workouts from RLRF and the long runs from Hal Higdon and combined them.  RLRF's first long run is 8 slow, easy miles, but I'm just not quite ready to do 8 yet, so I started with HH's 4 mile long run for week 1.  Here's week 1 of my plan! 

I just decided I needed a little variety while increasing my endurance at the same time.

So yesterday I busted out a bicep workout and 30 minutes on the bike!  Umm I always forget how much I use my biceps when I run because DAMN they were sore while I was running today.....and so was my BUTT!  The Hubs keeps telling me the bike will make my butt perky....It's the good kind of big already, but PERKY doesn't hurt!!

                    I am majorly lacking in the "take pictures of myself while working out" department!

Today was my first run day of my RLRF/HH combined plan. 
-10 minute warmup
- 12 x 400m repeats (2:15min per repeat = 9:00min/mile)
-10 minute cooldown

I made it through 10 of them before The Hubs decided we needed to leave so he could get ready for work.  Not to shabby!!  It was a workout for sure...but I feel AWESOME now!  AND I did it on the dreadmill....I HATE the treadmill, but an interval workout wasn't NEARLY as painful as a normal run! 

I went home and downed a proten shake....then took Knox for a walk!  Since The Hubs broke his ankle Knox hasn't gotten as many walks and he's being a spaz....a quick walk around the block and he hasn't moved from here.... Mission accomplished!

I'm about to pump out a few posts about my workouts this week!!

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