Sunday, March 6, 2011

Woo Hoo 6 Miles!!!!!!

I ran 6 MILES tonight!!!!!!!!!!!  The hubs went with me, and it was COLD and WINDY (Ok in Texas 55 degrees = cold...I know some of you are running in MUCH colder weather right now, so appologizing now for being a wuss!!) 

The first 3 miles of our run were against the wind...NOT FUN!  We stopped at about mile 3 and walked for a minute, and I stretched out my legs.  My hip flexor is still bothering me, so the mid run stretch helped a lot! 

The second 3 miles were SO much easier! I never thought that I would say that!  I looked at my Iphone somewhere between mile 3 and 4 and I was running at a 9:34 pace!  I ran my 5k last week at 11:00, and this was with 3 miles down already!  Talk about a mid run confidence booster!! (I downloaded an app that tracks distance, time, and pace until I get my Garmin watch!'s a pain to take my phone out and look, and it doesn't work perfectly, but it will do.)

The husband is awesome and encourages me the whole time we run, gives me high fives at random times when we talk about how far we've gone or how my stride is better and my breathing is under control!  He ran a lot in the Police Academy so this all seems so easy for him! 

I was so proud of myself, I was able to carry on a conversation the ENTIRE run!!  When we got back to the start of the trail it was only 5.4 miles and we started to walk towards the car...I decided I set out for 6 miles so I was determined to finish 6 miles, so we started running again....and we did 6 miles!!  I stretched out really good and downed a gatorade when we got back to the car.  We went to the Vitamin Shop and got some protein powder for me to refuel with after my runs.  I made a smoothie when I got home and it tasted just like the Protein Berry Workout from Jamba Juice!  Yumminess!!

I made spaghetti with whole wheat corkscrew pasta, and sauteed squash and a yellow bell pepper to add to the sauce!  It was good!

I took an Epsom salt bath after dinner, and my legs feel SO much better already!  I have a 4 mile run planned for tomorrow...but we'll see how my legs feel!

As soon as I figure out how to upload pictures to my posts I will!  My husband keeps asking why I'm taking pictures of my food, and when I say for my blog he looks at me like I'm crazy!  Oh well....I think secretly that's part of the reason he loves me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are awesome! running six miles is great! you are an inspiration.